Ruang Daya Cipta (RDC)

RDC is a makerspace with digital inovasion corner, equip with computers and other digital tools. The interior design inspires creativity in the grassroot level to helps lead career opportunity and business side incomes. 


This program offers workshop to spread knowledge in entrepreneurship related to mobile phone repairing.

Program ini menawarkan kemahiran dan pengetahuan khusus keusahawanan dan bidang pembaikan telefon pintar

Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia


Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM) is a foundation that cater development of social innovation and grassroot innovation established under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) in 20th Oktober 2008. 

YIM act as a platform to find, develop and to match funds for grassroot and social innovations  with over more than 6,000 innovator all over Malaysia. YIM encourage commercialization of grassroots innovation to upholds the life quality of B40 citizens. 

MyIS- Malaysia Sosial Inovation Initiative

Social Innovasion includes the usage and implementation of inovative creative solutions to overcome challenges and problems that enriched the economy along with the enviroment and society sustaibilty. Social Innovasion iniative is to implement the development of condusive innovation ecosystem lead by science, technology and innovation for the future. 

Funds under SME Corp

Programs by YIM 2023

Konvensyen Inovasi Sosial (KIS)

This convention was held on 4 until 6 July 2023 with the aim to promote Social Innovation initiative in Malaysia to manufacture local innovation inline with Science, Technology, Inovation and Economy (STIE).

The 4th ASEAN-India Grassroots Innovation Forum (AIGIF)

Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM) is the host for AIGIF 2023 that was held on 28 until 30 November 2023. AIGIF is an annual occasion between ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation (COSTI), the Government of India’s Department of Science & Technology (DST), dan The National Innovation Foundation (NIF) India.

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